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Digestion Problems
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Digestion Problems / Digestive Disorders :

There is no doubt that most of us suffer from one digestive disorder or another at some times in our lives. In fact the highest number of calls received by NHS Direct are from people suffering with digestion problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, diarrhea etc. 

Of course our diet and the foods we eat play a big role in keeping our digestive system in good order, but listed here are the three major digestive disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Heartburn and Indigestion.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome :

IBS is a very common condition in our society.  It affects a third of the population at some time or other and about one in ten people suffer symptoms bad enough to go to the doctor.  It can be painful and distressing, and diagnosis of IBS should be confirmed by a qualified medical practitioner.

The symptoms include abdominal pain or a sharp pain felt low down inside the rectum, spasm/diarrhoea, bloated stomach, rumbling noises and wind, constipation, nausea, belching and vomiting.

Despite showing more awareness of irritable bowel syndrome and its effect on the quality of life, still no cure has been found. 
Stress is believed to play a significant part and some people find their IBS is due to food intolerance.  Medical treatment may vary from advice on diet and relaxation to the use of anti-spasmodic drugs or bulking agents. 
Foods to avoid are wheat products, cereals, pastries and pasta; manufactured food like sausages and sauces made with flour. 
Cut down on dairy intake milk, cheese, butter and yoghurt and milk products such as custard and mousses. It is best to keep food as light as possible try milk substitutes such as organic soya or rice milk.  IBS is sometimes aggravated by particularly fatty and rich foods like fried or creamy dishes and if they also contain onions, corn or beef this will worsen IBS.

Various food supplements such as digestive enzymes and probiotics are very helpful in controlling irritable bowel symptoms by helping to break down the foods properly.


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