Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the umbrella term used by the medical fraternity to explain problems associated with the stomach, digestion or the colon. The name IBS means nothing as there are many causes & symptoms of Irritable Bowels Syndrome.. It was previously known as 'mucous colitis' & 'spastic colon'.
Far too many people suffer from frequent Irritable Bowels unnecessarily.
In our opinion, a patient suffers from IBS if they exhibit frequent signs of CONSTIPATION and/or DIARRHEA.
Therefore, if you suffer from bouts of difficult bowel movements or do not have a bowel movements daily (as explained in Constipation) and/or suffer from many loose bowel movements daily (as explained in Diarrhea) and/or experience an alternation of diarrhea with constipation them you may well suffer from IBS.
* Mucus and/or blood in the stool IS NOT normal and if you do have signs of these, then you need to correct it ASAP.
Most of the time, many IBS symptoms are improved by a change in food intake and an increase in certain food SUPPLEMENTS such as Digestive Enzymes, ProBiotics, PreBiotics & Anti-Virals / Anti-Fungal combination products for a period of time until bowel flora and enzyme function are restored. Only once the digestive system is functioning correctly will the the gut lining have the opportunity to begin the repair process!
- Eliminate the cause i.e. alter food intake & eliminate certain foods for a time period.
- Improve the digestive process.
- Restore normal bowel flora (favourable bacteria in the colon).
- Provide the body with certain nutrients to help it fight off the infection.
- Offer the Liver support in it's detoxification function.
- Restore the body's immune system so that it can repair damaged tissue & enhance it's ability to ward off recurring infection.
- Digestive Enzymes
- Probiotics e.g. Acidophilus & Bifidophilus
- Antifungals
- Caprylic Acid
- Psyllium Husk
- Garlic
- Cinnamon
- Lapacho Tea
- Grapefruit Seed Extract
- Vitamin C
- L-Glutamine
- Biotin
- Aloe Vera
- Magnesium
- Zinc