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Liver Problems
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Liver problems and detoxification:

Your liver is located under the diaphragm just above the stomach
It is the largest organ in the body and very important to your health. Countless chemical reactions take place in the liver every day including the synthesis of amino acids, the breakdown of proteins, the conversion and storage of sugar, as well as the storage of some vitamins and minerals. It also produces lecithin, cholesterol, enzymes and bile and detoxifies harmful substances such as pesticides, food additives, and environmental pollutants. Liver damage results from chronic alcoholism, social drinking, obesity, chemical or drug ingestion, or improper diet.


The most common disorder which affects this organ is hepatitis - know as inflammation of the liver. There are two forms of hepatitis, acute hepatitis or chronic hepatitis. The first of these is the easiest to treat. Hepatitis can be caused by any of six viruses known as A, B, C, D, E and G. The most common of these is Hepatitis A and is highly contagious and produces acute flu-like symptoms, but usually causes no long lasting damage. You can suffer from Hepatitis B and C for many years often causing no or few symptoms, but it can in some cases lead to irreversible liver scarring (cirrhosis) or liver cancer. Types D, E and G are rare. All forms of hepatitis impair the liver's ability to process proteins and carbohydrates, to secrete fat-digesting bile and to rid the body of toxins and waste. But the chronic forms are the most dangerous because they may ultimately lead to liver failure.

Slight liver injury may go largely unnoticed producing vague symptoms such as digestive disturbances and fatigue. Long before actual damage is detected, the liver may have degenerated cells, accumulated fat and scar tissue, and greatly reduced enzymes and bile, resulting in poor food utilization. Starch is neither formed nor stored causing chronic fatigue and obesity, lecithin is not properly synthesized, and fats are inefficiently used. When the liver cannot synthesize the enzymes needed to deactivate various hormones, such conditions as water retention, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, and excessive male or female hormones in the opposite sex can result.

A deficiency of the B vitamins, C, E and certain amino acids limits enzyme synthesis. A severe vitamin C, E and protein deficiency may result in massive cell death and hemorrhaging of the liver. Liver damage in animals has occurred when they are fed diets high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats or low in magnesium, calcium and the sulphur containing amino acids.

Liver regeneration

The liver can usually regenerate itself if the diet is adequately supplying all essential nutrients including complete proteins and vitamins B complex, C and E. Vitamins A, C, and E aid the liver in detoxifying harmful drugs and chemicals. Vitamin B6, magnesium, acidophilus, digestive enzymes and lecithin can prevent the accumulation and formation of ammonia, which results from a damaged liver's inability to properly break down proteins. The herb silymarin is very good at helping the liver to detoxify and repair itself.


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